Category: Poilu

Beyond The Somme

The Great War on the Western Front was much more than Flanders and the Somme, and the experience of British and Commonwealth soldiers. When we travel ‘Beyond the Somme’ – what does that mean, and what do we find on these battlefields where soldiers… Continue Reading “Beyond The Somme”

Verdun In A Day

In the latest of our series of Battlefields in a Day, we travel to Eastern France and look at the Battlefields around Verdun. Verdun was the longest single battle of the Great War, lasting some 300 days and 300 nights, fought between February and… Continue Reading “Verdun In A Day”

Verdun: The Trench of Bayonets

In December 1920 a large concrete shelter financed by an American millionaire marked the spot where French soldiers had fallen in one of the many small actions around Verdun in 1916. The story of the Trench of Bayonets was born, but what is the… Continue Reading “Verdun: The Trench of Bayonets”