Somme Books

The Somme is one of the most written about battles in military history. Where to start your reading given the huge number of books about the period? In this episode we take a ‘layered’ approach to reading and examine everything from ‘Gateway Books’ to Battlefield Guides.

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Some of the key titles mentioned in the podcast:

Lyn MacDonald – Somme

Richard Van Emden – The Somme

John Giles – The Somme Then and Now

Martin Middlebrook – First Day on the Somme

Andrew MacDonald – First Day of the Somme

Malcolm Brown – Imperial War Museum Book of the Battle of the Somme

Peter Hart – The Somme

Peter Barton – The Somme

Chris McCarthy – The Somme Day by Day

Gerald Gliddon – Somme: A Battlefield Companion (formerly When The Barrage Lifts)

Paul Kendall – Somme 1916

Terry Norman – The Hell They Called High Wood

Ian Uys – Delville Wood

Jonathan Porter – Zero Hour Books

Jack Sheldon – The German Army on the Somme

Unit Histories – for reprints visit Naval and Military Press and originals Tom Donovan Books

Pals Books and WW1 Unit Histories – visit Pen & Sword Books

Ray Westlake – British Battalions on the Somme

For Somme Memoirs have a look at the Podcast website and this episode:

Captain J.C.Dunn – The War The Infantry Knew

Pen and Sword Battleground Europe Books

Rose Coombs MBE – Before Endeavours Fade

2 Comments on “Somme Books

  1. Thanks for an excellent and informative podcast Paul. Good plug for the Farrar-Hockley one. I bought this with me on your walking the Somme tour in 2002. I’d like to get his other one on Ypres, Death of an Army in the original Briitish battles series format. Good to see that Jonathan Porter is planning a volume 3, I understand that eventually his volumes will cover the whole of the British front.

    I have many of the books listed but not all, so thanks for the health warning on bankruptcy. You once said that you can never have too many books. And I think that “How to buy too many books and avoid bankruptcy” would be a podcast in it’s own right!!

    Liked by 2 people

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