Podcast Questions & Answers Ep 4

In this latest Questions & Answers episode we look at how we read the landscape of the Great War, visiting the Sunken Lane at Beaumont Hamel and Talbot House, discuss that remains of RFC/RAF airfields, examine the survival rates of officers and ask what part weather played in the experience of the trenches.

Got a question about this episode or any others? Drop your question into the Old Front Line Discord Server or email the podcast.

13 Comments on “Podcast Questions & Answers Ep 4

  1. A fascinating podcast. I’ve often thought that but for the Great War, the National Trust estate would probably be less than half its current size.

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  2. Ive only heard your response to the first question (well both-parts!) and thank you Paul for putting so much detail on the Sunken Lane story. I remember visiting it and the bank below which the soldiers waited had poppies left to remind us of this iconic image, which is at the top of this page.

    I couldnt agree with you more about Talbot House. I was once up in the hop loft/chapel after dark when the lights automatically switched off and I sat there in silence with the only light coming in from the window. Very evocative.

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  3. The weather is an interesting question, the allies being particularly unlucky at say Arras and 3rd Ypres. A question which I’ve never heard raised is whether the battles themselves actually caused the bad weather. This may not be totally bonkers. In the US Civil War it was noticed that battles, much smaller than WW1 seemed to be followed by thunderstorms and there was speculation that the concussion of the guns was somehow causing it. Proving cause and effect is fraught for the weather but I wonder if anyone has done any analysis on how unusual or extreme the weather was. WW2 seems to have had a similar pattern of extreme weather. That said it didn’t always rain, the Somme for example being dry for a long time. Finally the Covid-Spring of 2020 was glorious, did the cessation of airtravel, vehicles etc have an effect…..

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  4. Loved this episode! Please do a future podcast on the aristocracy in the war. I have often wondered about the Nat Trust’s tragic ‘windfal’. l

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  5. Still on a catch up, this Q & A was superb, I’ve stayed in Talbot House and the idea of a podcast on that is a great idea, I’m certain Simon would be up to taking part too?? Also my Grandfather was 8th Argyll’s so I visit the memorial at the bottom of the sunken lane as often as I can.

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