Despatches: Tales of Tyne Cot

In our first podcast of 2024 we return to Flanders to look at some of the history behind the original burials at Tyne Cot Cemetery near Ypres, the largest British and Commonwealth cemetery from either World War. Was there really once an Advanced Dressing Station here, and if not what does the archive evidence tell us about how this site evolved?


Podcast Extras:

8 Comments on “Despatches: Tales of Tyne Cot

  1. Paul,

    Very informative as ever. Thanks for taking the time to post this despatch about such a symbolic site in Ypres.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t know if it’s my stupidity or my  computer won’t download the short podcasts but I can’t play them , any suggestions PaulBrianObyrne

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


    • Where are you trying to listen to them? If it’s on the podcast website where you have left this message you play them by pressing the Play button- you can’t download them here you can only do that on a podcast platform like Apple or Spotify. Hope that helps?


  3. Loved it! You are so right about myths……sorry to bring the second unpleasantness into this but how many books and programmes talk about Casualty Clearing Stations and Field Hospitals at Arnhem??? Sadly there were none as you know of these medical units there…..A great short story!


  4. Thanks for an interesting and informative SFP Paul. Thanks also for mentioning the East Lancs Division. A reminder that another visit to the excellent Fusiliers Museum in Bury is long overdue!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. As ever really interesting, could you please point me in the right direction to find medical service war diaries. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

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