Verdun In A Day

In the latest of our series of Battlefields in a Day, we travel to Eastern France and look at the Battlefields around Verdun. Verdun was the longest single battle of the Great War, lasting some 300 days and 300 nights, fought between February and December 1916. More than 770,000 French and German soldiers became casualties in what the Poilus called ‘the mincing machine’.

Verdun Tourist Office: Tourisme Verdun website.

Mike Cunha’s Battles of the First World War podcast: Battles of the First World War.



Podcast Extras:

14 Comments on “Verdun In A Day

  1. Brilliant Paul! Here’s to the next 150! No pressure!
    Enjoyed as always👍


  2. Congratulations Paul! Here’s to another 150! Look forward to all of them! Verdun is the part of the Old Front Line that I want to see next. 🥂🎉🇨🇦


  3. Interesting to see an Austro-Hungarian War Memorial in the Verdun area (D964). Paul, do you know about it’s history?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great episode and also your previous one on Verdun…hope to gt there one day as sounds really interesting area…..Congrats also on 150!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just listened to Verdun in a Day and was very pleased that you mentioned The Price of Glory. It was the first WW1 book I picked up (many years ago!), and was so fascinated that I’ve read /studied WW1 ever since. A great book that really fired my interest.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A belated congratulations on reaching your 150th podcast. Which was excellent as ever. I wish you all the best for many more.

    Have you considered a trench chat with Christina Holstein?

    On the WFAs YouTube channel on 11 June 2021 she presented a great podcast on the French fight back in 1917.

    Liked by 1 person

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