Podcast Questions & Answers Ep 7

In this latest Question & Answer Episode we look at subjects ranging from the Hampshire Regiment in the Great War, to ask if there is an increase in German visitors to the battlefields, and discuss how soldiers are being identified more than a century after the conflict ended.

Got a question about this episode or any others? Drop your question into the Old Front Line Discord Server or email the podcast.

6 Comments on “Podcast Questions & Answers Ep 7

  1. There’s a book, “Hampshire Regiment 1914-18” by C. T. Atkinson that may be of interest.
    my Grandfather was in the regiment from Gallipoli to the Somme and beyond.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If any listeners are planning to visit the Old Front Line and are interested in attending a rededication ceremony it is best to take a look at the War Detectives webpage where future ceremonies are listed. (Search for “War detectives” and MOD) I attended one ceremony in Belgium earlier this year and it was well worth making the effort to attend it. About 25 people were present at the ceremony including regimental representatives, a forces chaplain, a Defence Attache, CWGC staff and local dignitaries. The ceremony lasted about 20 mins and was very moving.

    Stuart Price


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