Return of The Old Front Line

After moving house, and nearly three hundred miles with the Old Front Line archives and library, we return from a new location, new ideas for the podcast and shifting hundreds of Great War books has prompted some thoughts from the past, from authors to Great War veterans.



21 Comments on “Return of The Old Front Line

  1. Hope you’re happy in Kent Paul. My girlfriend’s parents live in Sandwich but it’s a county I need to explore a lot further.
    I’d love to hear more about your friend Malcolm’s later career in the RFC, I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned that part of his service before.
    Enjoyed the podcast as always!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope you settle in soon. Closer to home…. I loved your comment on being seduced into buying books, it is SO easy!
    Looking forward to the new season.
    Regards David

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  3. Great to have you back Paul. I’ve only been listening to the podcasts since April this year after a visit Somme (Number 56 B & B). Slowly but surely getting through them all. Your knowledge and enthusiasm has sparked my infest again, after doing a military studies MA over 20 years ago. Thank you.

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  4. I liked the point about those authors such as Tony Spagnoly being so willing to share stories and information with you, I’ve found since I started guiding that that spirit still exists, chatting to other guides from other companies in the likes of St.Arnoldus often results in someone saying “You’re heading to x tomorrow? You really need to visit such and such” It’s a wonderfully collegiate approach.

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  5. Good to hear the move went well.
    As a former forward artillery observer, I would love to read the technical notes Malcom wrote.

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  6. A very interesting episode Paul, thank you. The Flanders Then & Now book started my interest in the First World War and inspired my first visit to Ypres, and Lyn MacDonald’s Roses of No Man’s Land is a favourite of my collection. One of your ealier episodes inspired me to buy a copy of The Old Front Line by John Masefield and I had a wonderful surprise to find a message from the person who gave it to an old soldier on the front pages and the recipient had annotated the pull-out map and one of the photos. It’s now one of my most treasured books – a bargain for £8.

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